<<<<<<<<<<<<< DARK FORCES ADD-ON MISSION >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<< LAMBDA BASE >>>>>>> >>>>>>> BETA VERSION 3 <<<<<<< The zipfile Lambda.zip consists of 5 files - LAMBDA.TXT (this file) LAMBDA.BAT (batch file to start the new mission) LAM.COM (mission overview, called by lambda.bat) LAMBDA.GOB (main .Gob file) DFBRIEF.LFD(new briefing file, to be copied to ?\DARK) Basic Information: This is a new level from scratch. I have added some unorthodox enemies to medium and hard levels. These may not appeal to all players .But then again you may enjoy them. There is no Dark Troopers or Bobba Fett or combinations there of. Directions: UnZip < Lambda.ZIP > and copy the files to your DarkForces directory < i.e. C:\DARK >. Then switch to that directory and type < Lambda>. The BAT file will provide you with the mission overview; the Briefings and Goals in Dark Forces itself. Will work for this level, as will the PDI information. ****** NOTE ******* The file DFBRIEF.LFD will have to be removed to restore normal briefings for SECBASE level.. The level will run fine without it. /* ================================================================ */ * Play Information * Level(s) replaced : SECBASE Difficulty Settings : Yes, easy( almost normal) medium (starts to get : stupid) hard ( for those that just can`t get killed) New BMs : YES New FMEs : YES New WAXs : No (well not realy new, part wax part 3do) New 3DOs : Yes New VOCs : Modified originals New GMDs : No New VUEs : No New LFD : YES * Construction * Base : New level from scratch (except for the landing field) Editor(s) used : DFUSE Known Bugs : small clipping in last pit(but it might be just my video card) The Developer: :David Lovejoy Special Thanks to: George Lucas for Star Wars LucasArts for a great game. Yves Borckmans (yborckmans@abcomp.be For DFUSE level editor Paul Nemesh(pnem@aol.com) For the Tie Defender 3DO. Ben & Pat McBride(74454.1421@compuserve.com) For DFUSE Tutorials Steve Valla For Testing Level Alexei Novikov (anoviko@emory.edu) For the great utilities BMP2DF,DF2BMP,WAX2BMP, BMP2WAX,DOOM>DF some advise and finaly for Level testing Gary Belisle(keemosabi@aol.com) For his Awing 3do, and kind permission to change it And anybody else i may have forgotten, that provided help in one way or another. If you have any questions, concerns or comments please E-mail me at lovejoyd@cia.com * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. These files are to be distributed for FREE only! You MAY distribute this GOB, in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc.), provided you include all of the files named above, with no modifications, and at no charge. This level is available at the following sites. FTP.CIA.COM Windows NT DIR c:\pub\users\dark\levels (at the time of writing) also Tola Daltons Homepage http://www.3dg.com/DarkForces My previous level DML-DF10.zip is also available at the same sites. end